Expert opinion

government relations

Campaign strategy


 Following (4) consecutive (4) year terms as an elected, Constitutional Officer (Sheriff) in a large jurisdiction, Mike has worked with government officials and agencies at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels on a wide variety of projects.  Relationships are important and Mike has built a large base of contacts over the years.  With traffic safety concerns related to site developments as one example, Mike has a proven record of applying his years of experience and stellar reputation to facilitating communication and solving problems.  It has been said that “the problem with communication is that everyone thinks it is occurring” so don’t leave anything to chance…Mike is a skilled communicator with government contacts throughout Lee County, the State of Florida, and beyond…his FBI classmates alone account for (49) States and (25) foreign countries.  Mike can help with public and private sector projects.


Sheriff Mike Scott (ret) is well connected with policy makers and government agencies throughout the state.  He can advise you on strategic decisions to address your needs; or work with you to communicate your needs to others to achieve desired results, mitigate risk, manage a company brand and/or reputation to government authorities, and legislative and regulatory bodies.



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Mike with State Attorney Amira Fox and the 20th Circuit Sheriffs Rambosk (Collier), Hardin (Glades), Whidden (Hendry), and Prummell (Charlotte)


Mike with (2) term Florida Governor Rick Scott

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Mike and Wife Krista with (2) term Governor and now Florida Senator Rick Scott

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Mike with Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto, Lee County Tax Collector Larry Hart, and County Commissioner Brian Hamman


Following more than (30) years in law enforcement, Mike reviews a wide variety of incidents like Traffic Crashes, Police Procedure, Use of Force, Premises Liability, and many other situations or legal proceedings that may benefit from his years of training and experience.  Mike works closely with Attorneys and renders verbal opinions as a consultant as well as serving in a disclosed capacity as a subject matter expert.  Mike prepares written reports of his opinion(s) if requested and is of course well-versed in and prepared for Depositions and other testimony as necessary.  Mike has worked on cases with varying degrees of seriousness including cases involving serious bodily injury and loss of life.

Mike & wife Krista…Mike is a 2010 graduate of the FBI National Academy


In 2003 and with no prior experience as a candidate, Mike outlined and embarked on a countywide campaign to unseat an incumbent Sheriff in a Primary Election and (18) months later when the dust had settled, Mike won 62% to 38%!!  
Mike would go on to mount successful re-election campaigns in 2008, 2012, and 2016 with opposition in each race and overwhelming margins of victory every time.  Mike frequently provides counsel to individuals considering a run for public office and actual candidates who are planning/running political campaigns.  When it comes to political advice, there are many opinions you may seek but not many who have “been there and done that” to the extent that Mike has.  Mike understands the process and what works or doesn’t with the electorate.  Campaign funds are a precious resource and mistakes can be costly both in terms of money and votes…Mike will advise you as though it is him running for election, he will coach you for the debates and political forums…he is a proven winner.   


Photo: A proven winner since 2004, Mike’s huge success in his very first campaign dominated the headlines!


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